About Pébéo
To create and innovate in the field of colours and make artistic practice available to as many people as possible, thus promoting the development and creativity of each and every individual.
Quality: Our high-quality products are our heritage: our collaborators' expertise and hard work over 5 generations
Commitment: Our 100-year history was created on a foundation of commitment and passion.
Innovation and sustainable development: Innovation has been at the heart of the company for 100 years and is the catalyst for its development. Our approach to continuous improvement incorporates the concept of sustainable development into each of the company's business lines.
Know-how: Our ancestral and continually evolving know-how has been recognised for more than 10 years with the "Living Heritage Company" ("Entreprise du patrimoine vivant") label.
Internationalisation: Pébéo exports its products all over the world. Internationalisation is a large part of its growth.

Quality policy
For more than 100 years, PÉBÉO has been committed to its mission to create and innovate in the field of colours and make artistic practice available to as many people as possible, thus promoting the development and creativity of each and every individual. To guide us on this mission, PÉBÉO relies on strong values that were given the green light during working groups in Gémenos, in China and in the USA, namely: commitment, internationalisation, know-how, innovation, sustainable development and quality. These values have historically been part of PÉBÉO's DNA and allow us to set goals, position ourselves in our markets, stand out from our competitors and make the right decisions on a daily basis.
To achieve this as CEO of PÉBÉO, I commit to:
Meet the requirements of relevant interested parties as well as the legal and regulatory requirements applicable to our products.
Provide the necessary resources to build a quality management system (QMS) which is compliant with the ISO 9001:2015 standard with the objective of certification in early 2021.
Provide the necessary resources to achieve the objectives associated with the four main strategic axes of the quality policy:
o Quality :consolidate and develop our achievements through the process of continuous improvement and lower the poor-quality costs
o Digital : set up and maintain appropriate digital tools with the aim of being more efficient in our internal and external communications (both distribution and consumers)
o International : develop emerging markets, particularly in Africa and Asia
o Innovation : strengthen innovation, supported by the digital platform
These strategic axes are the foundation of our QMS and have been broken down into measurable operational objectives. These objectives will be reviewed annually to ensure that our QMS and our strategy continue to be efficient, relevant and in alignment.
Obviously, obtaining ISO 9001 certification, the proper operation of our QMS and the attainment of our objectives will only be possible when we count on the support and contribution of each of the employees of the company.
The success of this continuous improvement process is an essential condition for the sustainability of the company and I am counting on your support to help me throughout this process.
Corporate Social Responsibility
PEBEO places sustainable development at the heart of its business. Our ambition is to combine economic, social and environmental performance.
CSR commitments in our business
We are committed to exercising our social and environmental responsibility as a color manufacturer, by understanding and complying with the regulations applicable to our products and promoting environmentally friendly solutions.

Index Equality gender
Pébéo launched its gender equality index report in 2019. It is a step taken by the company to strengthen equal pay between men and women. At Pébéo, the overall Professional Gender Equality Index score is 91 out of 100 points. At Pébéo, the gender equality indicator for 2020 is 80 out of 100 points.
At Pébéo, the gender equality indicator for 2020 is 80 out of 100 points, which is detailed as follows:
Gender pay gap indicator: 25 points. Indicator on the difference in the rate of increase between women and men: 35 points. Indicator on the percentage increase of women wage earners in the year following their return from maternity leave: 15 points. Indicator on the number of wage earners of the under-represented sex among the 10 highest earners: 5 points.

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